We Care
More ways to help with your water bill.
Grants Available! Our partners offer grants for eligible customers to help with utility costs. Learn more and apply →
More people than ever need help.
Don’t wait to apply for assistance.
Submit your application.
We’ll determine which program offers you the lowest bill.
Find out if you’re eligible:
→ phila.gov/waterbillhelp

Reduced Income? Submit a new application for any recent change in your household or income!

Lost your job?
Other difficulties?
Special Hardships:
Even if your household income is higher than Tiered Assistance Program (TAP) limits, you may still be eligible by showing that you are experiencing circumstances like:
- Lost job
- Serious illness
- Change in household
- Loss of family member
- Domestic Violence

If you can,
pay your water bill.
It’s the simplest way to avoid late payment penalties, and keep your balance from growing.
Bill payments fund all our operations, and keep clean water flowing throughout our city.
→ phila.gov/waterbill
You can also pay by mail or over the phone.

Other options for help
Can’t afford the full amount, or have a large bill? Setting up a Payment Agreement can help you avoid a lien, and make your monthly payment more managable.
→ Call (215) 685-6300
Don’t qualify for assistance?
We’re working with customers on an individual basis. Be prepared for longer wait times.
Email wrbhelpdesk@phila.gov, and we’ll do our best to find a solution.
Working together to reduce debt.
Cash grants for unpaid bills
Our partners are helping customers with unpaid utility bills, including water bills! Don’t delay; funds are limited!

Water customers: Contact UESF (Utilities Emergency Service Funds)
Fill out their Contact Form at → uesfacts.org or → Call (215) 814-6837
UESF can help you apply for assistance after they check your grant eligibility.

Our pandemic response:
We restored water. This helped an estimated 15,000 customers who were previously shut off. We halted penalties and late fees and froze shutoffs for customers behind on their bills.
Residential customers were protected from shutoff for nonpayment from March 2020 through July 2022.
New shutoff policies created to protect those unable to pay bills are now in place.
Penalties for non-payment may include late fees, canceled payment agreements, and referral to collections agencies.
Customers enrolled in the Tiered Assistance Program (TAP) or receiving a Senior Citizen Discount are protected from penalties and enforcement.
Don’t wait. Find out if you’re eligible. → phila.gov/waterbillhelp
Sign up for our emails.
Get tips and hints to help you apply, lower your water bills, and more.
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All photography: Sahar Coston-Hardy © PWD, except: Essential crews: JPG Photo & Video © PWD