

Single use
plastic bags

a white single-use plastic shopping bag with "Thank You" written on it four times in red is shown in a red circle with a diagonal line through it

Reusable bags made of nylon, cotton, cloth, polyester, woven plastic, or another material designed for multiple uses.
Paper bags made from at least 40% post-consumer recycled content.

a polyester reusable shopping bag and a paper grocery bag with a recycling symbol and "40%" on it are shown in green circles with checkmarks

Enforcement begins October 1, 2021!

Single-use plastic bags are a major source of litter and pollution in Philadelphia. Shopping with reusable bags can help reduce waste and keep our city’s streets and waterways clean.

Water and Plastic Bags

Single-use plastic bags can clog storm drains—increasing problems like flooding and pollution!

de bolsas
en Filadelfia


Bolsas de plástico
de un solo uso

a white single-use plastic shopping bag with "Thank You" written on it four times in red is shown in a red circle with a diagonal line through it

Bolsas reutilizables hechas de nailon, algodón, tela, poliéster, plástico tejido u otro material diseñado y fabricado para múltiples usos.
Bolsas de papel fabricadas con al menos 40% de contenido reciclado postconsumo.

a polyester reusable shopping bag and a paper grocery bag with a recycling symbol and "40%" on it are shown in green circles with checkmarks

¡Implementación a partir del 1 de octubre de 2021!

Las bolsas de plástico de un solo uso son una gran causa de basura y contaminación en Filadelfia. Comprar con bolsas reutilizables puede ayudar a reducir los residuos y mantener limpias las calles y las vías fluviales de nuestra ciudad.

Agua y las Bolsas de Plástico

¡Las bolsas de un solo uso pueden obstruir los desagües de lluvia, lo que aumenta problemas como las inundaciones y la contaminación!

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