Taking Care of Storm Drains

Sewers work best when drains are clear!

Doing Your Part

Volunteer to mark storm drains

Storm Drain Marking
This is a great volunteer project, especially for organizations!
We’ll provide everything you need to educate neighbors about stormwater and its impact on our watersheds.
Keep litter, pollution, and yard waste out!

Only rain should go in storm drains. Drains lead to streams and rivers.

Dog Poop

Mop Water


During storms, hard surfaces (like roofs and pavement) can collect water and create runoff.
Clogged inlets prevent runoff from entering sewers. Streets and sidewalks can flood.
Philadelphia uses green infrastructure (like green roofs and permeable pavement) to prevent pollution from stormwater runoff.

Keep your property’s sewer connections healthy. Dispose of cooking grease properly in the trash or recycle it.
Never wash grease down your drain! Grease accumulates, and can lead to costly damages to sewers and your property’s plumbing.

Our crews maintain thousands of storm drains across the city!
Help us take care of storm drains!

Request a cleaning for a storm drain.
Call “311“
or visit www.phila.gov/311

Report a clogged storm drain or flooded street.
Call PWD: (215) 685-6300
Tips for getting in touch:
Be ready to provide an address, or describe which corner or location needs attention. It helps to be specific!
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