Your voice drives us to improve.
Over 10,000 customers have shared their feedback in the annual PWD Customer Survey. We want to hear from you.
All participants have a chance to win a $100 gift card!
The 2020 Survey is closed! Check back next year!


Text @WATER to 39242


How long does the survey take?
Less than 5 minutes.
Who will see my answers?
Your answers and your identity will be kept completely confidential. No one but researchers at the University of Pennsylvania will ever see your responses.

All responses and contact information will be kept completely confidential.
What will happen with the surveys?
The University of Pennsylvania will analyze the data and prepare a report for PWD. PWD will use the feedback you share to improve services provided to all customers.
What will I get for taking this survey?
You will be entered into a raffle to win one of many $100 gift cards.
Call us: (215) 680-7544
Visit: www.PWDsurvey.com
Email: PhilaWaterSurvey@gmail.com