Does the start of spring have you thinking about brightening up your property with some green and flowers? Our Rain Check workshops are the perfect way to cure—or fuel!— that spring fever.
Pick a date that works for you now, and we'll channel your ambition towards a landscaping upgrade that will help protect Philly waterways and be much more affordable than doing it on your own thanks to a Rain Check subsidy of up to $2,000.
If that sounds good to you, there are few better ways to add native plants and pollinators to your home, protect local rivers and creeks, and get big savings than to use Rain Check as a vehicle for designing and installing a custom rain garden to fit your space.
Why We Love Rain Gardens
While rain gardens might seem like a daunting, complex, and bold landscaping choice, they can also be subtle and are far more accessible than many think. How big you go is up to you, your budget, and your space.
No matter what direction you take, if you’re like many of the Rain Check rain garden owners who have provided feedback over the years, you’ll be pleased with your investment and the way it gets to work every time it rains.
“We love our rain garden. It is the highlight of our backyard,” says Gili Ronen, an East Mt. Airy resident who had a Rain Check rain garden installed during the spring of 2016. “It is beautiful and attracts bees and butterflies and soaks up so much rain.”
From a cost perspective alone, rain gardens are a super bargain, especially given their super ability to soak up your property’s stormwater runoff— most Rain Check participants end up paying less than $400 for their garden, and that includes construction, plants, and planting!
This year, we are even providing a free PWD swag bag for residents who install a rain garden!
Worried your urban abode can’t fit something like a rain garden?
You may be surprised at what Rain Check pros —Sustainable Business Network-certified contractors who work alongside property owners for the best results—can make work within smaller Philly yards.
Swipe through examples posted to the @PhillyH2O Instagram:
The best way to see which discounted green tools will work at your property is to attend one of the many free upcoming Rain Check workshops hosted by our friends at the Pa. Horticultural Society.
That way, if you decide you’re ready to join the thousands of Philly residents already using Rain Check green upgrades to make their home more sustainable, you’ll already have the required workshop attendance under your belt and can ask questions in-person.
Think of it as a crash course on why stormwater runoff is the #1 local threat to our waterways with a huge perk: you can take the next step toward doing something to help and learn about the benefits of various Rain Check options, from free rain barrels to rain-absorbing patios!
Already signed up and want something to keep your creative spark alive while you wait?
Take this quick quiz and see what tools are most likely to work for your home:
Pick a Project + Register for Free
Answering the questions on the Pick a Project page can also be a cool tool for residents still on the fence about whether Rain Check is for them, so we encourage anyone who’s curious: give it a shot!