Philadelphia’s water is lead free, but we cannot control the plumbing in every home. That's why we need customers to get the facts about lead plumbing. Credit: Philadelphia Water.
Philadelphia's water is lead free, but we cannot control the plumbing in every home. We want customers to have the facts on lead plumbing so that they are empowered to remove lead pipes and can take daily steps to reduce exposure risks. Credit: Philadelphia Water

The danger of lead in drinking water continues to be a hot topic in the news, and we know many people have seen or heard recent features addressing the issue. Because we know that even small amounts of lead may be harmful to infants, young children and pregnant women, we understand why people are concerned.

Although the drinking water provided by Philadelphia Water is lead free—our treatment facilities and water mains do not contain lead materials—homes built prior to 1950 may have water distribution pipes/service lines (the small pipe that connects a home’s internal plumbing to the water main) made of lead. Copper pipes inside homes may also be joined by lead-containing solders, and some homes may have brass pipes, faucets, fittings and valves that contain lead.

To help our customers understand risks associated with lead, Philadelphia Water is offering to make a presentation to any civic or community organization interested in learning more. Our biggest priority is making sure Philadelphia residents always receive top-quality drinking water.

Residents will have a chance to meet with our Public Education Manager, Drew Brown, an engineer who has worked at Philadelphia Water for over 30 years. As an expert on water quality issues and water treatment, Brown can provide detailed information and answer questions relating to water safety and lead.
His presentation generally requires about 30 minutes, but a shorter version is also available.

To schedule a presentation, please email or call 215-685-6300. We will work to accommodate your schedule, but please provide ample time to arrange the presentation. Philadelphia Water can also translate education materials into a variety of languages to meet the needs of your community.

More resources:

Please visit this new section of our website dedicated to information on reducing lead exposure risks, testing water for lead, and removing lead pipes. We will be updating this site as more programs come on line.

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