Photo: NY DEP
Last week, the New York Times ran an article detailing New York City’s plan to invest $2 billion in green infrastructure—porous pavement, green roofs, bioswales—to help retain stormwater and prevent sewer overflows into the city’s waterways:
“The approach is already being used in some other cities that, like New York, have a combined sewer system where storm water and sewage are carried through a single pipe. Such techniques reflect a shift away from traditional sewage-control methods like underground storage tanks.”
Sound familiar? Philadelphia is one of those cities that has already embarked on a massive plan to use green infrastructure to reduce sewer overflows. Green City, Clean Waters is our own, $2 billion, 25-year plan, one that’s being replicated and recognized for its innovative approach. Learn more about Green City, Clean Waters here by reading the summary report, watching a video or learning about the terminology and issues that affect our watersheds.