We want every resident to take part in protecting our rivers and creeks, and that's why we've worked with translators to spread the word about free rain barrels and discounted green improvements in languages including Chinese and Spanish.
Saturday, June 23, will mark a big first in our efforts to bring the Rain Check program to more people: ASL interpretation will be available at a Rain Check workshop held at the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Town Hall in Center City.
Philadelphia residents who are deaf or hard of hearing are invited to join us to learn more about getting a free rain barrel or discounted green tool, like a downspout planter or rain garden.
This event is open to all city residents, and those who attend will be given the chance to sign up and get started.

You'll also find out how Rain Check helps us take on two of the biggest issues impacting local waterways today—stormwater runoff and sewer overflows—along with Green City, Clean Waters investments and other infrastructure improvements.
These workshops always fill up fast, so register now by visiting the Rain Check website and select the June 23 date on our sign-up page. When you're done, take a quick quiz with a few simple questions that can help you determine what green projects might work best at your property.
If you decide to go big and build a rain garden, de-pave a driveway, or refinish a back patio with rain-absorbing hardscaping improvements, we'll help with a cost-sharing system that could save you up to $2,000 and connects you with certified contractors.
Rain Check Sign Language Workshop
WHEN: Saturday, June 23, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.
WHERE: PHS Town Hall Meeting Room, 100 N. 20th St., 1st floor
We hope to see you there—don't forget to RSVP!

A Rain Check project, before and after!
Have group who would like to host a Rain Check workshop and could benefit from translation or interpretation services? Get in touch and we'll work with you and your community:
(215) 988-8767
Need more accessibility or translation services?
Our department can provide sign language services for community meetings and other events. We can also have any of our publications, including the new Drinking Water Quality Report, translated into many languages.