USACE (The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) chose to partner with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) to hold a stream restoration workshop this past July. PWD’s Erik Haniman, manager of the Ecological Restoration Group spoke to representatives from USACE, the EPA, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, The Nature Conservancy and many more. The workshop, led by Dave Derrick and Dr. Rich Fisher of USACE’s Engineer Research and Development Center, featured two of PWD’s restoration projects – Cobb’s Creek and the Tacony Creek. In 2010, PWD worked with USACE to restore the Tacony Creek by constructing several weirs and planting more than 10,000 natives species. To learn more about the July workshop, visit USACE’s website.

What Black History Month Means at PWD
We have the pleasure of featuring four Philadelphia Water Department employees for Black History Month. We asked them to share their stories about working at PWD, things they ...
Oh, DAM! The Manayunk Canal is getting ready to reopen.: The Flat Rock Dam project will wrap up this winter and bring back flowing water.
On a brisk mid-September day, the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) convened at the northern tip of Venice Island in Manayunk. Joined by the Younger Member Forum of the Amer...
Introducing our new Service Line Map: Sharing records of water service line materials for properties in Philadelphia
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) has just launched a new online map showing our records of water service line materials for every property in Philadelphia. While this n...