Schools & Childcares Basic Info Form

All items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields. If you have any questions, or to fill out the survey over the phone, please call (215) 685-1407.


Include any days when staff are in the building and may use water, even if children are not present.

Include any times when staff are in the building and may use water, even if children are not present.


Include water fountains, bottle filling stations, sinks used for drinking, drink preparation, or food preparation, coffee or ice machines with direct water supply connections, sink/fountain in the nurse’s office…

  • Add new choice

Schedule a call with PWD to plan your next steps

The next section will open a pop-up for you to schedule a 20 minute call with PWD for you to get any questions answered and provide us with more information about your facility. If you need to review your answers, do it now. You will not be able to get back to them once you open the scheduler.

In the pop-up, scroll down to select a date and time you are available, (re)enter your name, email, a phone number where you can be reached at that time, and your facility’s name, and click the “Book” button.

Once you have done that, you can close the popup using the X in the top right corner.

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