@Philly H2O Blog


News and info about the pipes, plants and people that keep our city running + protect our rivers & creeks.

China and Japan Visit Philadelphia’s Green Infrastructure

October 2, 2013  |  Public Affairs

Philadelphia’s stormwater management and stream restoration projects reached international ears this month! On September 17th government representatives from Beijing toured the Big Green Block in the Kensington/Fishtown area and two days later members of the Japanese Ecosystem Conservation Society visited Wises Mill in Andorra and the Bells Mill tributary to Wissahickon Park.

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Gardens Save Dollars and Make Sense

September 5, 2013  |  Public Affairs

This Saturday, September 7th, you can explore the green garden oases of South Philadelphia with the South Philadelphia Food Co-op. The Co-op is hosting their 3rd annual South Philly Self-Guided Garden Tour from 1 to 5pm. This past month they’ve been counting down the days with all of the different ways gardens save the city dollars and benefit our well-being.

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Congratulations to the 2013 SMIP Grant Recipients!

August 13, 2013  |  Matthew Fritch

The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) and the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) are pleased to announce that just under $5 million has been award in grants to promote stormwater management projects.

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New Video: “Let’s Keep Our Water Flowing”

May 16, 2013  |  Public Affairs

The Water Department is pleased to premiere a short video about how to maintain your water service! April marked the end of the winter moratorium, a time where the Water Department is not permitted to end service to those who do not pay their bills.

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Cost Savings Week Begins With A Project That Will Save Billions!

February 11, 2013  |  Public Affairs

During our last blog series we talked about how the rising costs of “big ticket items” are a large part of what’s driving PWD’s rate adjustments. We should also explain that we aren’t proposing these adjustments without first doing everything we can to balance increasing costs with cuts to our expenses.

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