Philadelphia Water Announces Unprecedented Efforts to Help Customers with Lead Pipes
March 21, 2016
Brian Rademaekers
Today, Philadelphia Water let City Council know about robust new efforts to educate customers about plumbing made from lead and announced new, unprecedented efforts that will help our customers get rid of their lead pipes once and for all.
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Have Frozen Pipes? You Might Have to Call a Plumber
February 15, 2016
Brian Rademaekers
When bitter cold sets in like this, it’s not uncommon for pipes to freeze.
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Two-Year Rate Change Requested to Replace Water Mains, Sewers, Aging Infrastructure and More
January 8, 2016
Brian Rademaekers
Today, we notified City Council and the City’s independent Water Rate Board that Philadelphia Water needs to request a rate increase that would go into effect on July 1, 2016.
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App Solution: Civic Hackers Create Mobile App for Green Infrastructure
October 20, 2015
Brian Rademaekers
Last week, Philadelphia Water released a treasure trove of data in advance of Apps for Philly Sustainability, a three-day event that brought together sustainability professionals and technologists.
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Christmas in October: ‘Apps for Philly Sustainability’ Gets Lots of Water Data to Play With
October 16, 2015
Brian Rademaekers
Our hope is this creative community of app-building enthusiasts will come up with new tools that help Philadelphia understand and appreciate, among other things, the breadth of green infrastructure projects being designed and implemented through the Green City, Clean Waters program.
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Green Infrastructure on the Evening News?! Yes Please.
October 13, 2015
Brian Rademaekers
So, we were naturally thrilled when 6ABC ran a short clip about the new “living wall” project on 3rd Street in Independence Park! Since this project is designed to inspire others to think about green infrastructure as something that can be beautiful AND good for the environment, we certainly think this stunning billboard for green tools deserves its (at least!) 15 seconds of fame.
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New Bill Encourages Green Roofs, Density
October 8, 2015
Brian Rademaekers
Green City, Clean Waters is the biggest plan in the U.S. designed to manage stormwater with green infrastructure, and that means Philadelphia Water will take all the help it can get from developers who want to add value to their properties while also lessening the negative environmental impacts with green stormwater tools.
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City Council Imagined a Day Without Water – And They Didn’t Like It
October 6, 2015
Brian Rademaekers
As a part of the national “Imagine a Day Without Water” campaign, City Council backed a resolution recognizing the importance of our water infrastructure and the need for both local and federal investment to maintain the pipes and systems that deliver, remove and treat our water.
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What Plumbers and Contractors Need to Know About GSI
August 26, 2015
Brian Rademaekers
We can’t say it enough: Green City, Clean Waters represents a major shift in the way we think about and do infrastructure. That means the tools we use to effectively manage stormwater—collectively called Green Stormwater Infrastructure or GSI—look and work differently than the traditional pipes and sewers people are used to seeing.
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Philadelphia Water Makes ASCE’s ‘Game Changer’ List
July 31, 2015
Brian Rademaekers
The American Society of Civil Engineers rolled out a cool new campaign last week to highlight infrastructure projects around the country that they see as “game changers”—investments that have the potential to change the way we live for the better.
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