A rolling collection of stories, tips, and news powered by the people of the Philadelphia Water Department.

@Philly H2O Blog


What Plumbers and Contractors Need to Know About GSI

August 26, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

We can’t say it enough: Green City, Clean Waters represents a major shift in the way we think about and do infrastructure. That means the tools we use to effectively manage stormwater—collectively called Green Stormwater Infrastructure or GSI—look and work differently than the traditional pipes and sewers people are used to seeing.

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UPDATE: Almost 10K Pounds of Trash Removed; Can You Help Too?

August 24, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Philadelphia Water is sponsoring a big clean up on the Delaware River with Living Lands and Waters and the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary, and we’re still looking for some fresh volunteers out on the water. In the first few clean up days, members of the community who care about the health of the Delaware have already collected nearly 10,000 pounds of trash!

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See What a Healthier River Looks Like at INVISIBLE RIVER

August 21, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

We have lots of ways to measure the improving quality of Philadelphia’s two rivers, but one of our favorite is simply seeing more and more people think of the Schuylkill and Delaware as beautiful, natural places to visit for recreation and relaxation. Since everything we do comes back to protecting and enchancing water quality, we see the change in the way people think about our rivers as a real m

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Student Street Art Spreads Important Message

August 20, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Throughout August, we’ve been working with the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary to turn hand-drawn art submitted by local students into street art that’s being placed near stormdrains in select locations across the city.
These fun, eye-catching installations, which originated from 1,300 student submissions, help spread an important message: only rain should go down the drain.

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Q&A Shines Light on Philly’s Green Infrastructure Story

 |  Brian Rademaekers

Our very own fearless leader, Philadelphia Water Commissioner Howard Neukrug, sat down with the chief editor of Water Online, Kevin Westerling, for an extensive Q&A that shines light our internationally recognized green solution to Philadelphia’s stormwater challenges – Green City, Clean Waters.

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Good (Green) News for a Riverwards Gem

August 19, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Harrowgate’s green jewel—a public square located at Kensington Avenue and E. Tioga Street—is about to get a little greener thanks to a new project from Green City, Clean Waters.

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Throwback Thursday: Our Infrastructure Foundations

August 13, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

In this week’s throwback post, we see some large mains under construction
August 4th, 1904— almost exactly 111 years ago.
As the three large, cast iron mains are laid in a Northeast neighborhood, some residents have gathered to watch the construction activity.

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New Living Wall Acts as a Billboard for Green Tools

August 10, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Philadelphia residents and tourists in the city’s historic Independence Hall area can now soak in a truly stunning piece of green infrastructure. Thanks to a partnership between Philadelphia Water, the National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park and SHIFT DESIGN, a breathtaking new “living wall” is now managing stormwater runoff from the roof of the Department of Interior building

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Time to Vote for Your Favorite Spokesdog

August 3, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

We received over two dozen nominations for the next Philadelphia Water Spokesdog. And while we personally think all these cute pooches would be great ambassadors in the campaign to spread awareness about the impact of pet waste on our waterways, it’s up to you to vote in the champ.

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Philadelphia Water Makes ASCE’s ‘Game Changer’ List

July 31, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

The American Society of Civil Engineers rolled out a cool new campaign last week to highlight infrastructure projects around the country that they see as “game changers”—investments that have the potential to change the way we live for the better.

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