A rolling collection of stories, tips, and news powered by the people of the Philadelphia Water Department.

@Philly H2O Blog


8,000 Feet of Stream Restoration

November 15, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

Join us on Thursday, November 17 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Fairmount Water Works Interpretive Center to learn about the planned stream restoration for Cobbs Creek, which will encompass approximately 8,000 linear feet of stream length.

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Tweets from TEDxPhilly

November 10, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

PWD’s Glen Abrams spoke at the TEDxPhilly conference on Tuesday, highlighting the benefits of green infrastructure and the Green City, Clean Waters plan.

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TEDxPhilly: The City

November 7, 2011  |  Brian Rademaekers

TEDxPhilly is a local, one-day extension of the annual TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference, taking place on Tuesday, November 8 at the Temple Performing Arts Center.

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A Gain of Salt: How Excess Road Salt Affects Tacony Creek

November 1, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

We’d like to stress that the graph above does not show the marked increase in consumption of Halloween candy in area households. It does, however, tell a tale of two storms and how they influenced specific conductance (rough translation: amount of dissolved salt) in Tacony Creek last month.

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Sunday: Hidden River Expedition Lecture

October 28, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

Back in August, we followed author and artist Allen Crawford (a.k.a. Lord Whimsy) as he undertook his Hidden River Expedition, a 40-mile, three-day kayak trip from Mt. Holly, NJ, to Bartram’s Garden in Philadelphia.

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