Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Planning & Design
GSI projects installed and maintained by PWD as part of our GSI program.
This is a resource for planners and designers seeking guidance on the process for creating green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) for Philadelphia Water. The site is intended for use by providers of professional planning and engineering services contracted by Philadelphia Water, partners and other agencies working with the Department, and Philadelphia Water staff.
Process Overview

- Existing Conditions Analysis
- Drainage Area Delineation
- Feasibility Analysis
- Alternatives Selection
- Final Recommendations
- Packaging

- Baseplan & Geotech
- Preliminary Design
- Substantially Complete Design
- PS&E Design
- Final Design

Post Design
- Bid Package Preparation & Advertisement
- Bid Award & Contract Conformance
- Pre-Construction Meetings & Submittals
- Construction Activities
- Final Inspection & Payment
- Ongoing Maintenance & Monitoring
More About
Green City, Clean Waters is a program created by Philadelphia Water to meet the City of Philadelphia’s Clean Water Act obligations through the use of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) systems that reduce stormwater pollution and overflows in the combined sewer systems.