@Philly H2O Blog


Projects and partners in our neighborhoods.

Tour Two Point Breeze Vacant Lots Targeted for Green Improvements

October 14, 2016  |  Brian Rademaekers

We kicked off October with a ribbon cutting at a formerly vacant lot at 55th and Hunter streets in West Philadelphia that is now a vibrant green space featuring a rain garden and hidden storage trench that manage stormwater and protect local waterways while adding a whole new asset to the neighborhood.

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Baxter’s Best: A Beer About Protecting Philly’s Water

July 13, 2016  |  Brian Rademaekers

In marking the five-year anniversary of Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters program, we’ve been busy talking about the importance of protecting the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers—the source of drinking water for over 1.5 million people in Philadelphia alone.

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ICYMI: Infrastructure Week Recap + Water Woman Makes the Evening News

May 24, 2016  |  Brian Rademaekers

Starting with a look at the incredible growth of the Green City, Clean Waters program over the last five years and finishing with a Q&A that explores a storm flood relief project blending green and traditional infrastructure investments, we had an exciting (and busy) Infrastructure Week here at Philadelphia Water.

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