A rolling collection of stories, tips, and news powered by the people of the Philadelphia Water Department.

@Philly H2O Blog


Nominations Wanted: 2017 ‘Excellence in GSI Awards’

January 4, 2017  |  Brian Rademaekers

What projects and people are making an impact on green stormwater infrastructure in our region? Last year saw the first-ever Excellence in GSI Awards, an effort by the Sustainable Business Network’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Partners to answer that question and highlight the best in local green stormwater projects and the people making them happen…

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Tour Two Point Breeze Vacant Lots Targeted for Green Improvements

October 14, 2016  |  Brian Rademaekers

We kicked off October with a ribbon cutting at a formerly vacant lot at 55th and Hunter streets in West Philadelphia that is now a vibrant green space featuring a rain garden and hidden storage trench that manage stormwater and protect local waterways while adding a whole new asset to the neighborhood.

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