A rolling collection of stories, tips, and news powered by the people of the Philadelphia Water Department.

@Philly H2O Blog


Pottsville Says: No Dumping!

July 20, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

Beginning next week, storm drains in Pottsville—approximately 120 river miles upstream of Philadelphia—will be marked with the “No Dumping! Drains To River”

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You’re Invited: Green Home, Clean Waters

July 18, 2011  |  Public Affairs

PWD’s Green City, Clean Waters plan isn’t just about the city installing porous paving and constructing stormwater tree trenches—you can get involved with the effort by undertaking projects on your own property.

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We’ve Been Shad

July 12, 2011  |  Public Affairs

Our post from earlier this month about American shad ascending the Schuylkill above Norristown for the first time in nearly 200 years contained a fish story of a different sort, as we mentioned that George Washington (pictured above, on the banks of some other river besides the Schuylkill) may have fed his troops Schuylkill shad during trying Revolutionary times.

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Collect Rain With Style

July 11, 2011  |  Public Affairs

The Philadelphia Water Department would never utter an unkind word about traditional rain barrels, but the sleek, ultra-modern version (they call it a “rain column”) by local company Shift Space Design is making rain collection a whole lot more attractive.

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Take A Hike

July 8, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

Philadelphia’s rivers and streams provide ample opportunity for recreation; events in the coming week suggest it’s hiking season in the parks and refuges near the water:

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