A rolling collection of stories, tips, and news powered by the people of the Philadelphia Water Department.

@Philly H2O Blog


A Century Of Water Filtration

June 30, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Philadelphia’s water filtration system, completed with the construction of the Queen Lane Filters in 1911.

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2011 Greenworks Philadelphia Progress Report

June 29, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

Amid all the excitement over Philly’s first green roof bus shelter two weeks ago, we buried some really big news that happened the same day: Mayor Michael Nutter released the 2011 Greenworks Philadelphia Progress Report.

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You’re Invited: Stormwater House

 |  Matthew Fritch

Thinking about making your home greener but don’t know where to start? Wondering about the incentives and barriers to environmentally friendly improvements such as green roofs and downspout planters (pictured above)?

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Life Aquatic: Mayfly

June 27, 2011  |  Public Affairs

When the Philadelphia Water Department’s aquatic biologists investigate Philadelphia’s streams and rivers to take stock of the number and variety of species inhabiting our waterways (they call this process a bioassessment), they pay special attention to mayflies.

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Pop Quiz: Name That Hidden Stream

June 23, 2011  |  Matthew Fritch

Most people want to flush their toilet and forget about it, but if you know anything about the historical research I do for PWD, you know that sewers are one of my obsessions.

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Urban What? Urban Forest!

June 22, 2011  |  Public Affairs

What is an urban forest? It’s the collection of trees that grow in an urban area. Urban tree canopy is important for both environmental and economic reasons, as it reduces stormwater runoff, improves air quality and raises property values.

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