@Philly H2O Blog

All posts tagged: Event

Fishin’ Around

March 11, 2014  |  Public Affairs

Ever wonder what kinds of fish are fishin’ around in the Schuylkill River? Take a peek into the underwater world at the Fairmount Water Works’ lab to learn how fish can be biological indicators of the health of the river.

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Greening Philadelphia: Short Films Screenings at Temple University

February 26, 2014  |  Public Affairs

GreenTreks is sharing stories that change the world! GreenTreks, a Philadelphia based non-profit communications firm, created some recent shorts focusing on the exciting neighborhood greening programs that are changing the face of the City and improving the quality of our waterways.

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The Art of Stormwater

February 20, 2014  |  Public Affairs

Once again, PWD will participate in the world’s largest indoor Flower Show – this year focusing on the “Art of Stormwater.” The Pennsylvania Horticulture Society’s Philadelphia Flower Show is coming to the Convention Center March 1st through March 9th.

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EPA Briefing: A Chance to Connect it all Together

February 18, 2014  |  Public Affairs

Members from the Community Design Collaborative (CDC), Philadelphia Water Department (PWD), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gathered together on January 21st to share their expertise around plans for the implementation of green stormwater infrastructure in Philadelphia and other cities across the country.

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Philly Green Opportunities

February 5, 2014  |  Public Affairs

Join the Tookany/Tacony Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTF) for breakfast and coffee! Next Tuesday, on February 11th, TTF will host an information and networking breakfast.

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