@Philly H2O Blog

All posts tagged: Event

Greenbuild 2013!

November 26, 2013  |  Public Affairs

Greenbuild, the biggest, greenest, and most sustainable convention made its way to Philadelphia this year.

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Congratulations to Our 2013 Spokesdog Winners!

October 28, 2013  |  Public Affairs

On Saturday, October 19th, fifteen Spokesdog finalists from two participating neighborhoods (Fitler Square and University City) came out to compete for one crown. After careful consideration of which dog would make the best Spokesdog, judges announced and crowned the winners!

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Marking Storm Drains With TTF and Hackley School!

October 24, 2013  |  Public Affairs

On Thursday October 3rd, TTF teamed up with 7th graders from Hackley School in Tarrytown, NY to mark 150 stormwater drains with stickers that say “No Dumping, Drains to River” to help raise awareness in the surrounding neighborhood about where litter goes when it enters the drain.

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The Legacy of the Spokesdog Continues!

October 9, 2013  |  Public Affairs

When pet waste is left on the ground, rainwater or melted snow washes it into our storm drains and into the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers, harming the health of the water. But the Spokesdog is out to change that! Philly Water’s Best Friend is on a mission to keep our waterways clean by encouraging dog owners to pick up after their pets.

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PWD Tours at Greenbuild!

October 7, 2013  |  Public Affairs

Did you know that the Philadelphia Water Department is leading a tour during Greenbuildon November 23rd from 8am to noon titled, “Revolutionary Civil Engineering: Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Leadership?”

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Greenbuild 2013 is coming to Philadelphia

October 4, 2013  |  Public Affairs

The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) is more than excited to be a part of the 2013 Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, the world’s largest conference and expo dedicated to green building. Activities around Greenbuild will go on for almost a week and expect to draw up to 30,000 attendees. The theme, “Greenbuild Nation”, draws on Philadelphia’s roots as the birthplace of the nation.

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China and Japan Visit Philadelphia’s Green Infrastructure

October 2, 2013  |  Public Affairs

Philadelphia’s stormwater management and stream restoration projects reached international ears this month! On September 17th government representatives from Beijing toured the Big Green Block in the Kensington/Fishtown area and two days later members of the Japanese Ecosystem Conservation Society visited Wises Mill in Andorra and the Bells Mill tributary to Wissahickon Park.

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