Cedar Park Greening
Current Phase: Design
The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) is planning a green stormwater infrastructure (GSI), water, and sewer construction project in your neighborhood.
This project is called PWD Project #50436 Cedar Park Greening. Your neighborhood’s PWD improvements will include the following:
- New GSI Systems in public right of way (streets & sidewalks) and/or on public parcels to capture stormwater to protect local waterways by preventing combined sewer overflows. Learn more here: water.phila.gov/green-city/
- New Water Mains to increase service reliability & reduce emergency breaks
- New Sewer Mains to increase service reliability by reducing clogs & backups
- Possible Lead Service Line (LSL) Replacement for health & safety and in compliance with new federal environmental regulations
For more information, contact:
- Lillian Drake
D1 Community Outreach Specialist