North Philadelphia Transmission Piping

Current Phase:


The North Philadelphia Transmission Piping Project is a transmisison main project. Below the ground, big pipes called water mains move clean drinking water. The water moves from treatment plants to all the places that need it, like homes and businesses.

There are two kinds of water mains: transmission mains and distribution mains. Transmission mains are the largest pipes. They act like highways for moving water over long distances. Transmission mains connect treatment plants to pump stations and tanks.

Areas usually served by the Belmont and Queen Lane WTPs will be better connected to the Baxter WTP. This pipeline will improve system reliability by extending water treatment plant (WTP) reach. We are still finalizing the scope of this work.

Streets Affected

  • York St. from N. 12th St. to N. 22nd St.
For more information, contact:

Project Details

ZIP Code
Council District
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