
Haverford / Sherwood

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Current Phase:


August 2022


Early 2024


Project #20468 Haverford / Sherwood will replace water mains in the Overbrook Park neighborhood in West Philadelphia.

Streets Affected

  • Haverford Ave. from City Ave. to Rhoads St.
  • Sherwood Rd. from Haverford Ave. to West End Drive
  • Brentwood Rd. from Haverford Ave. to West End Drive
  • Brookhaven Rd. from Haverford Ave. to West End Drive
  • Woodbine Ave. from Haverford Ave. to West End Drive
  • Malvern Ave. from Haverford Ave. to West End Drive
  • Ruskin Rd. from N. 75th St. to Haverford Ave.
  • Rhoads St. from N. 75th St. to Haverford Ave.
  • Meribrook Rd. from Sherwood Rd. to Overbrook Ave.
  • N. 77th St. from Sherwood Rd. to Overbrook Ave.
  • West End Drive from Sherwood Rd. to Drexel Rd.
  • West End Drive from Woodcrest Ave. to Malvern Ave.
For worksite issues, contact:
For more information, contact:

Project #20468

Project Type
ZIP Code

Project Files

20468 Construction LetterAugust 2, 2022 20468 Community Meeting Flyer Aug2022August 2, 2022


Project Update Community Meeting with OPCA

The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) will join Overbrook Park Civic Association (OPCA) to host a Project Update Meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 7pm. The meeting will be at Overbrook Park Church of Christ at 7630 Woodbine Ave, 19151.

This community meeting will review the installation of new water mains and discuss impacts on Haverford Ave and the surrounding neighborhood.

See and share the meeting flyer!: Overbrook Community Meeting Flyer 10.19.23

Posted by:
Amy Hopf
Project Update

Project 20468 Schedule

Tentative project schedule for #20468:

  • 2022: West End Dr., Malvern Ave., Sherwood Rd., and Brentwood Rd. water main replacement
  • January/February 2023: Brookhaven Rd. water main replacement
  • March/April 2023: Ruskin Rd. and Rhoads St. water main replacement
  • May 2023: Woodbine Ave. water main replacement
  • June/July 2023: Haverford Ave. water main replacement
  • August 2023: 77th St. water main replacement
  • September 2023: Meribrook Rd. water main replacement

Subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.

Posted by:
Amy Hopf
Project Update

Overbrook Park water main project community meeting: Thurs, Aug 11

The Philadelphia Water Department will hold a virtual community meeting on Thursday, August 11th, from 6:30pm – 8pm. PWD will provide an update on the water main replacement project in Overbrook Park.

Email John DiGiulio, Community Relations Manager, at John.DiGiulio@phila.gov with any questions prior to the meeting.

Link for virtual meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87161935398?pwd=TGFyNjhLd1UrQUwxamh0aWozWjNXdz09

  • Meeting ID: 871 6193 5398
  • Passcode: 058572

Project #20468 Community Meeting Flyer

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