Upcoming Projects

The details of this project are not yet available online. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions below or contact waterinfo@phila.gov for more information.

If you would like us to present to your neighborhood group about upcoming projects, please call (215) 685-6300 or email waterinfo@phila.gov

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Will I lose water service during construction?

A. Minor disruptions of water service are anticipated during construction, resulting in the loss of water service for 1-2 hours while house connections to new pipes are made and for 4-8 hours while water main connections are completed. Residents will be notified when water service outages are anticipated.

Q. How will construction affect traffic, sidewalk access, and parking?

A. Street parking during hours of construction will be restricted. Temporary “No Parking” signs will be installed as needed for safety and construction. Signs will be installed before the start of work indicating the dates and hours that the areas will be closed. Vehicular traffic, pedestrian access, trash collection, and deliveries will be maintained. Any cars left on streets where work is scheduled to take place will be towed to a nearby public street. Project personnel will be available to direct you to your car.

Q. What are the hours of construction?

A. Typical construction hours are from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM but can vary seasonally. The hours for the project on your street will be communicated by letter a few weeks before the project begins.

Q. How dusty will my street be during construction?

A. All construction work is subject to dirt and dust. We apologize for any inconvenience. At the end of each work day, the contractor will be responsible for keeping the site clean.

Q. Will SEPTA service in the area be affected?

A. Check with SEPTA for any possible detours: www.septa.org

Q: Who should I contact if I have a concern?

A: Call 215-685-6300 or email WATERINFO@phila.gov and reference the location of the upcoming project.

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