@Philly H2O Blog


Projects and partners in our neighborhoods.

Big Reveal: See ‘Waterways’ at Unveiling Party, PLAY Manayunk

May 13, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Those walking the streets of Manayunk have probably noticed a little extra pop of color in the neighborhood, and not just from the spring foliage. Since the first week of May, the folks over at sign&design have been busy working to install over 50 pieces of temporary street art designed by local artist Eurhi Jones for our Waterways project. Created through a partnership with Mural Arts, Waterways

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Grant Brings More Green to Lea School

April 27, 2015  |  Public Affairs

Our work to transform Philadelphia schoolyards into living laboratories composed of rain gardens, porous paving, trees and more is getting a big boost in the form of a $20,000 grant from the TD Green Streets program. The generous funding was awarded for Philadelphia Water’s ongoing Green City, Clean Waters green infrastructure improvements at Henry C. Lea Elementary School at 47th and Locust stree

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Webinar: Green Schoolyards and Citizen Science

March 26, 2015  |  Matthew Fritch

The Philadelphia Water Department isn’t just interested in managing stormwater at schools—we’re leveraging opportunities to create outdoor classrooms that connect students to their environment. Join us on Monday, March 30 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. for Green City, Clean Waters: A Case Study for Greening Schoolyards in Philadelphia, a webinar presented by Toronto-based urban environmental organization Eve

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Stanley’s Hardware Named First Stormwater Pioneer

December 12, 2014  |  Maggie Wood

“You don’t get a chance very often in life to be a pioneer at anything,” noted Stanley’s True Value Hardware President Mark Jaconski, who with his brother Joe was honored as Philadelphia’s first Stormwater Pioneer.

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Congratulations to Stanley’s True Value Hardware

November 20, 2014  |  Maggie Wood

It’s official. PWD named the first Stormwater Pioneer—Stanley’s Hardware in Roxborough. Congratulations to third-generation business owners Mark and Joe Jaconski and their stormwater management design team from Ruggiero Plante Land Design.

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Greening Lea Playground

October 17, 2014  |  Public Affairs

Congratulations to Lea Elementary School which recently completed phase I of its playground transformation project! Previously an asphalt lot, the Greening Lea project will revitalize the school’s 41,000 square foot playground and convert it into a vibrant, fun educational space for the school and the larger community.

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