@Philly H2O Blog


Projects and partners in our neighborhoods.

Urban Trees: Study Says They’re Really, Really Good for Us

September 17, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

We came across an interesting read recently that looks at a study in Toronto that sought to determine the economic and health benefits associated with trees in urban settings. Here’s a summary of the study that appeared in a July 23 New Yorker article titled “How Trees Calm Us Down”:

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Community Meeting for Lanier Park Stormwater Improvements

September 10, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

This project is part of Philadelphia’s Green City, Clean Waters program which works to improve the health of our local rivers. By storing rain water under the park and then letting it soak into the ground through natural processes, we can help keep the Schuylkill River clean. Philadelphia Water’s construction work will start before the overall Lanier Playground Improvement Project planned by Parks

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Student Street Art Spreads Important Message

August 20, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Throughout August, we’ve been working with the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary to turn hand-drawn art submitted by local students into street art that’s being placed near stormdrains in select locations across the city.
These fun, eye-catching installations, which originated from 1,300 student submissions, help spread an important message: only rain should go down the drain.

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Q&A Shines Light on Philly’s Green Infrastructure Story

 |  Brian Rademaekers

Our very own fearless leader, Philadelphia Water Commissioner Howard Neukrug, sat down with the chief editor of Water Online, Kevin Westerling, for an extensive Q&A that shines light our internationally recognized green solution to Philadelphia’s stormwater challenges – Green City, Clean Waters.

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Good (Green) News for a Riverwards Gem

August 19, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Harrowgate’s green jewel—a public square located at Kensington Avenue and E. Tioga Street—is about to get a little greener thanks to a new project from Green City, Clean Waters.

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Be Safe When Beating the Heat: Save Swimming for Pools!

July 21, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

Thanks to ever-increasing efforts to improve water quality, our rivers and streams are cleaner than they’ve been in decades. So we don’t blame you if you’re tempted to take a plunge to beat the stifling heat gripping the city. But don’t.

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Wanted: A Few Good Spokesdogs for Healthy Water

June 30, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

For 2015, Fishtown and Washington Square West were selected as competing locales for the contest, which has been selecting a special pooch to spread the word about poo-lution since 2011. We’ll be accepting nominations for dogs from those neighborhoods through July 15. Guidelines and submission forms are available here. The Spokesdog program is held annually with the help of our friends at the Part

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Change Your Life, Help Protect Our Water: Apply for PowerCorpsPHL Now

June 26, 2015  |  Brian Rademaekers

The social, environmental and economic benefits we get out of having and maintaining the green infrastructure that makes up Green City, Clean Waters are a big part of why Philadelphia is taking the green approach to solving stormwater challenges. It’s what we call our “triple bottom line.”

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