Gorgas Run Stream Restoration and Infrastructure Protection Northwest Philadelphia ZIP Code: 19128 Ecological Restoration #50018
Bells Mill Stream Restoration and Infrastructure Protection Northwest Philadelphia ZIP Code: 19128 Ecological Restoration #40642
Cresheim Creek Interceptor Relocation, Stream Restoration, and Outfall Repair Chestnut Hill, Northwest Philadelphia ZIP Codes: 19118, 19119 Ecological Restoration #40961
Queen Lane Water Treatment Plant Replacement East Falls, Northwest Philadelphia ZIP Code: 19129 WaterWater Revitalization Plan #
Queen Lane Raw Water Pump Station Upgrades East Falls, Northwest Philadelphia ZIP Code: 19129 WaterWater Revitalization Plan #64072
Schuylkill River Crossing East Falls, Wynnefield ZIP Codes: 19129, 19131 WaterWater Revitalization Plan #