COVID-19 Updates: Hybrid Work Schedule 

As the City of Philadelphia eases COVID-19 restrictions, PWD staff are working a hybrid schedule with time spent working remotely and in the office. In addition to emailing, general inquires to Utility Plan Review and Stormwater Plan Review can now be made by calling 215-685-6387. If you need to speak with a specific staff member, it is still advised that you reach out in advance to coordinate a phone call.  In addition, advance appointments are still required to visit PWD Headquarters, and all office-based meetings are still being conducted virtually. Finally, the mailing address for Stormwater Plan Review Fees has also been modified. Click here for the updated mailing address and to view the latest COVID-19 impacts on Development Services.

Act 537 Updates: New Email Address  

PWD’s Sewage Facilities Planning Program (Act 537) has a new email address:! Application Mailers, L+I eCLIPSE permit questions, and all other Act 537 correspondence should be directed to Please refer to PWD’s online resources for more information on Act 537.

Utility Plan Review Updates: Combined Laterals and Online Plan Submission  

To help reduce isolated flooding resulting from overwhelmed combined sanitary and stormwater laterals, PWD is adjusting the requirements for connecting to a combined sanitary and stormwater public sewer. Effective immediately and in accordance with Chapter 5 of PWD Regulations: Sewer and Wastewater Control, only one- and two-family dwellings will be permitted to combine sanitary and stormwater laterals after the approved house traps. All other development types will be required to design each lateral with an individual connection to the public combined sewer system.  

Applicants proposing a combined lateral for other development types must include a justification memo with their Utility Plan Review submission. This memo must contain sufficient justification as to why a combined lateral is necessary and in the best interest of the property owner and the City. The applicant must include calculations to show that the proposed configuration and sizing meets area and fixture loading according to the Philadelphia Plumbing Code. This requirement and all other updates may be found in the revised Utility Plan Checklist.

Coming Soon! PWD is developing a new Online Application feature for Utility Plan Review. The online application will be available via the Applicant Dashboard feature, in the same location as the ERSA Application for Stormwater Plan Review. Please stay subscribed to receive notice of when this new feature is available.

Stormwater Plan Review Updates: O&M Execution for PCSMP Approval

Effective Immediately, and in accordance with Chapter 6 of PWD Regulations: Stormwater, execution of the Operations and Maintenance Agreement will be required prior to issuance of Post‑Construction Stormwater Management Plan (PCSMP) Approval. If an applicant has not yet assumed legal ownership of the development property, the current legal property owner must execute the agreement before PCSMP Approval will be issued. Conditional PCSMP Approval will no longer be granted in this circumstance.  

Reminder about 2021 Water Meter Installation Standards 

In October of 2021 PWD announced the release of the 2021 Meter Installation Standards. All developments seeking Utility Plan Approval must adhere to these standards including the Meter Reading Equipment Requirements on Page 12. Please reach out to PWD Metering with questions at   

Request for Proposal: Review and Inspection Services 

PWD is seeking proposals from qualified firms to assist the Development Services Unit with the review and inspection of development sites to ensure compliance with the PWD Stormwater Regulations. For more information about this and other contract opportunities, please visit the eContract Philly website.