Most development projects involve new connections to a PWD water main or sewer. Several PWD Units will assist in the review and approval of proposed connections to PWD infrastructure and provide your project with the necessary signoffs for other permits.
Water & Sewer Connection Permits
A Water Connection Permit is required to install or replace water services from PWD infrastructure to the property. A Sewer Connection Permit is required to install or replace private sewer laterals.
Hydrant Permits
A permit is required for hydrant use, except for firefighting by the Philadelphia Fire Department and authorized PWD use. Learn more about scenarios for which a Fire Hydrant Permit may be issued and how to request one.
Utility Plan Review
PWD’s Utility Plan review looks for utility conflicts, ROW conflicts, connection location and size, and other potential issues.
Water Transport Records
Water Transport Records (WTR) is a key administrative and technical group within PWD that provides numerous services to the development community.
Sewer Facilities Planning
The Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act (Act 537, as amended) requires us to confirm PWD’s existing sewer network has the capacity to handle the sewage flow from proposed developments.