PWD makes its purchases through the Procurement Department. The Procurement Department is the central purchasing and materials management agency for the City of Philadelphia. They are responsible for acquiring services, supplies, equipment and construction for City agencies by utilizing competitive purchasing procedures.
Types of Contracts
The Procurement Department has several types of bids and methods of making purchases.
Advertised Bids: Formal bids are competitive bids for procurement involving services, supplies or equipment that exceed $25,000 or Public Works, such as, construction work. These types of bids are generally required to be advertised in local newspapers for a specified period before the bid opening.
Small Purchase Orders: Informal bids are for procurements $32,000 and under. Operating departments can directly solicit for goods and services $25,000 and under. For these purchases, departments are required to obtain competitive quotations.
Concession Bids: Bids offer bidder the opportunity to provide goods and/or services on City property.
Public Works Bids: These are bids for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair or improvement of a public building, property, street, bridge, highway or sewer.
Surplus Property Bids: Bids offer “as is” surplus City equipment or supplies to the highest bidder.