Updated PWD Rates and Charges

Philadelphia Water Department’s latest rates and charges went into effect September 1, 2024. Updated charges and fees most relevant to Development Services customers can be found on pages 33-34 within this linked document.

Development Checklist resource from Dept. of Planning and Development

The Department of Planning and Development recently issued a revised Development Checklist, a permit and review checklist intended as an overview of requirements for real estate development projects in Philadelphia. The checklist incorporates current requirements (including PWD’s), contact information, tips, links, and resources, providing comprehensive guidance from conception to construction.

Developers are encouraged to use the updated Checklist in combination with the latest information available within the PWD Stormwater Management Guidance Manual and on the Review Timelines webpage.

Interested in a Stormwater Grant, but not sure how to start?

Last year, Development Services’ Stormwater Incentives team introduced Stormwater Connect, a new tool linking green stormwater vendors with non-residential property owners considering stormwater management projects.

Vendors enrolled in Stormwater Connect can promote their specialties, such as design or construction, while participating owners can describe their property and preferred project types. From there vendors and owners can find their match!

The Stormwater Connect webpage provides a quick signup for the platform and includes additional information about PWD’s Stormwater Grants program.

Reminder: CO Holds Policy and FAQs

PWD’s policy concerning Certificate of Occupancy (CO) holds within L&I’s eCLIPSE application was implemented August 1, 2023. Development projects subject to PWD’s stormwater regulations must satisfy all Department requirements by the close of construction—before any CO holds will be released. Examples of requirements include, though are not limited to, the settlement of all review fees, the resolution of any construction violations, and the submission of a project Record Drawing.

To review this policy and related Frequently Asked Questions, visit PWD’s Certificate of Occupancy Holds webpage.

Reminder: Final Inspection Request Form

As reiterated in June, all requests for a development project’s final inspection are now submitted online. Requesting a final inspection requires confirmation from a project engineer that all prerequisite site prep and closeout documentation have been fully addressed, including a Record Drawing submission.

To review Development Services’ Final Inspection Request Form, click here. Questions about the process may be sent to PWD_DevServices@phila.gov