Philadelphia’s clean water future needs your voice. Join the Stakeholder Advisory group.
Applications are open for the next cohort of the Water Revitalization Plan’s (WRP) Stakeholder Advisory Group. Members give their voice, time, and expertise to raise awareness about how the WRP and its many projects are improving drinking water quality across our communities.
Applications are open from February 10th to April 1st, 2025.
Apply today! Philadelphians like you can make an extraordinary impact on our city’s drinking water future. The application should take less than 20 minutes.
For this term, we are especially seeking members who live or work in the Somerton or Brewerytown neighborhoods to help us have equitable geographic representation in the group.
Roles and Responsibilities
Using their voices and influence within the community, group members are important to the overall success of the program and a vital part of our outreach and communications strategy for the WRP across the City of Philadelphia. Learn more about our current Stakeholder Advisory Group.
At a high level, the primary roles, responsibilities, and expectations of Stakeholder Advisory Group members:
Advocating for the WRP
Participating in quarterly meetings
Review and sharing WRP progress updates with their neighbors
Gathering input from their communities
Member Term Expectations and Limits
To promote equal representation and new leadership across WRP projects, selected group members and alternates are asked to commit to a two year term, from July 2025 – June 2027. For this term, we are especially seeking members who live or work in the Somerton or Brewerytown neighborhoods.
Apply to join
Ways to Engage
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Stakeholder Advisory Group?
The Stakeholder Advisory Group is a group of community members with an interest in Philadelphia Water Department infrastructure projects who will serve as advocates for the Water Revitalization Plan (WRP), engage and enhance trust between PWD and the community, and gather and share information related to the program.
How many members will be on the SAG?
14 members with approximately 4 alternates. Alternates are called upon in the event members are no longer able to serve.
How will members be selected?
Member selection is completed through an open application process. All applications are reviewed by PWD’s Stakeholder Advisory Group Selection Committee, a group of PWD staff, with a focus on ensuring that relevant experience/interest categories and diversity are represented. Members are selected at PWD’s sole discretion.
When is the recruitment for new members happening next?
New members and alternates are recruited on an annual basis, with the next cohort’s recruitment occurring from February 10th – April 1st, 2025. Members selected for the next cohort will serve from July 2025 – June 2027.
What is expected of members and how long is their membership?
Stakeholder Advisory Group serve a 2-year term. Members are expected to serve as advocates for the Water Revitalization Plan (WRP). Primary responsibilities include reviewing and monitoring program progress, gathering information from the public as it relates to ongoing WRP projects, sharing important updates with other community members. Members attend in-person quarterly meetings, each approximately 90 minutes long. Meeting dates and times are provided in advance so members can plan their attendance.
Are meetings open to the public?
Meetings are not open to the public; however, meeting materials, including presentation slides and meeting summaries, are posted on the website.
What if I join, but then am unable to continue my participation?
If a member is unable to complete their term, they may notify PWD of their desire to withdraw membership. At that time, a previously identified alternate may step in or nominations/recruitment will be conducted to identify a replacement.
Are members compensated for participating?
Yes – members are providing their expertise on the community and taking time to share input with PWD, as well as serving as ambassadors and advocates as noted above. SAG members will receive a $50 generic (VISA/Mastercard) gift card for participation in each quarterly meeting, with a total maximum compensation of $200 per year. Members must be present in order to receive compensation.
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