Ecological Restoration Resources

PWD’s Ecological Restoration projects work to improve the health and stability of Philadelphia’s waterways and protect critical water and sewer infrastructure along the stream corridor.

The following documents provide technical details and guidance for these projects.

Resource NameResource TypeLast RevisedFile TypeFile SizeBytes
Designpdf16.66 MB17470623
Designzip138.99 MB145744898
Designpdf1.19 MB1251663
Designpdf103.55 KB106036
Designzip257.54 KB263723
Designzip264.05 KB270390
Project ManagementSharePoint13.00 B13
Project ManagementSharePoint13.00 B13
Designpdf594.86 KB609141
Designxlsx44.10 KB45163
Designzip203.79 KB208682

Related Manuals

Water & Sewer Design Manual

This manual provides information for the design of water and sewer mains for the Philadelphia Water Department.

GSI Planning & Design Manual

This manual provides information for the planning and design of green stormwater infrastructure projects installed and maintained by PWD as part of the Department’s GSI program.

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