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494.00 KB505860

Stormwater Plan Review Resources

Note that more comprehensive information can also be found in the Philadelphia Stormwater Management Guidance Manual.

TitleResource TypeLast UpdatedFile TypeFile SizeBytes
Designpdf20.96 KB21468
Designpdf24.77 KB25367
Permittingdoc350.00 KB358400
Permittingpdf124.70 KB127691
Permittingweb53.36 KB54637
Constructionpdf494.76 KB506636
Permittingxlsx47.15 KB48282
Constructionpdf658.21 KB674003
Constructionpdf1.14 MB1199827
Constructionpdf641.48 KB656871
Planningpdf129.29 KB132391
Designpdf1.82 MB1912878
Designpdf1.98 MB2073698
Designpdf1.14 MB1199364
Designpdf1.42 MB1485390
Planningpdf1.14 MB1195992
Planningpdf1.57 MB1643819
Planningpdf1.43 MB1495575
Permittingpdf341.87 KB350076
Permittingxlsx15.98 KB16363
Designpdf73.15 KB74904
Planningpdf959.05 KB982072
Permittingpdf510.04 KB522280
Constructionpdf128.09 KB131164
Constructionpdf661.93 KB677821
Constructionpdf393.09 KB402527
Designpdf1.56 MB1640922
Designpdf825.44 KB845246
Maintenancepdf152.33 KB155982
Maintenancepdf149.01 KB152590
Maintenancepdf827.55 KB847415
Designpdf76.35 KB78181
Maintenancedocx78.62 KB80505
Maintenancepdf461.88 KB472966
Maintenancexlsx75.79 KB77614
Planningpdf3.06 MB3209746
Designzip28.03 MB29395341
Designpdf1.03 MB1080555
Designpdf155.19 KB158913
Planningpdf148.66 KB152232
Constructionpdf735.43 KB753085

Proprietary Products

Proprietary media filter products or low flow devices may be incorporated into stormwater management designs to meet PWD’s Stormwater Regulations. PWD has reviewed the following products and determined that they meet the requirements of the Stormwater Regulations. Designers may also use products not listed here, but must demonstrate compliance with the Stormwater Regulations.

The City cannot recommend specific stormwater management products or product manufacturers. The inclusion of a product on this list is not an endorsement and may not work for every project. Designers should refer to the capacities and flow rates associated with the models (sizes) of the products, as sizing criteria is integral to the verified performance of these products.  Attention should be given to the necessary maintenance requirements of each product for evaluation of appropriateness with the property owner.

Media Filter Products

PWD’s Stormwater Regulations require that 100% of runoff that cannot infiltrate into the ground be routed through an acceptable pollutant-reducing practice. Filter products reduce pollutant levels by removing sediments, metals, hydrocarbons, and other pollutants from stormwater. PWD requires that filter products reduce the effluent event mean concentration of total suspended solids (TSS) to 15 mg/L or below. Filters must be evaluated on a project-specific basis since site conditions, such as sediment loading and/or drainage area size, can impact a device’s ability to meet PWD’s Stormwater Regulations.

All proprietary practices proposed for use on a project must be evaluated and accepted for removal efficiency using the standards of the following stormwater management practice evaluation systems: the State of Washington Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE), or the New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology (NJCAT). PWD will also accept third-party testing and documentation, if available, that proves that the product can meet this requirement. PWD has reviewed these sources and included products that are able to meet these requirements in the Reviewed Media Filter Products table.

An example of a media filter in Philadelphia
Reviewed Media Filter Products
ProductCompanyFilter TypeVerifying Source
AquaShield Inc.Media FilterNJDEP
Baysaver Technologies, Inc.Cartridge FilterNJDEP
Contech Stormwater SolutionsMedia FilterTAPE
Contech Stormwater SolutionsCartridge FilterNJDEP
Contech Stormwater Solutions / Imbrium SolutionsCartridge FilterNJCAT
Hydro International, Inc.Cartridge FilterNJDEP
Royal Environmental ServicesCartridge FilterTAPE
StormwateRX, LLCMedia FilterTAPE
ACF EnvironmentalMedia Filter3rd Party Testing
Lane EnerprisesCartridge FilterNJDEP
Fabco IndustriesCartridge Filter3rd Party Testing
Fabco IndustriesCartridge Filter3rd Party Testing
Fabco IndustriesCartridge Filter3rd Party Testing
Conech Stormwater SolutionsCartridge FilterNJDEP
Contech Stormwater SolutionsMedia FilterTAPE
StormTech, LLCGravity FilterNJDEP
Lane Enterprises Inc.Gravity FilterNJDEP
Hydro InternationalMedia FilterNJDEP
ShawcorCartridge FilterNJDEP
Ferguson WaterworksGravity FilterNJDEP
ACO, Inc.Gravity FilterNJDEP

Low Flow Devices

PWD’s Stormwater Regulations require that 100% of the runoff that cannot infiltrate into the ground in a combined sewer area must be released from the site at a maximum of 0.05 cubic feet per second (cfs) per acre of associated DCIA.  PWD requires that low flow devices, or proprietary rate control products, meet this peak release rate requirement.  Rate control products will be evaluated based on engineering specifications, specifically the rate curves provided by the manufacturers of such products.  PWD will also accept third-party testing and documentation, if available, that proves that the product can meet this requirement.  Products that have been reviewed by PWD are listed in the Reviewed Low Flow Devices table. 

An example of a low flow device in Philadelphia
Reviewed Low Flow Devices
Contech Stormwater Solutions
Hydro International
HYNDS Environmental

Don’t see a product listed here? Email PWD at with the required pertinent product documentation as described above and PWD will periodically update the list.

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