1 | General plan presentation requirements listed in Table E‑1 |
2 | Name of owner and designer |
3 | Site address (must match current Philadelphia Office of Property Assessment (OPA) records) |
4 | Location map including site location within watershed(s) |
5 | Property lines, all metes, bounds, boundaries, dimensions, building lines, and setbacks (must match current OPA records) |
6 | Street lines, street names, lot names, easements, other land divisions, and their purposes and confirmed locations |
7 | Location and boundaries of all existing rights-of-way, easements, cartway widths for all streets and private roads, and drainage rights-of-way |
8 | Location and size of all existing site features and impervious areas within 25 feet of the proposed earth disturbance even if those features are on an adjacent property |
9 | Location of all existing active and abandoned utilities (water, sewer, stormwater), including stormwater management practices above and below ground within 25 feet of the limit of disturbance |
10 | Identification of the nearest watercourses/water bodies (within 100 feet) |
11 | Existing topography of site (contours, sub-basins, etc.) in one-foot contour intervals (minimum) on-site and on adjacent lands within 25 feet of the property line and on the full width of abutting public lands, and private rights-of-way and easement(s) |
12 | Identification of any special features of the site (natural depressions, natural berms, flood plains, etc.) |
13 | Identification of the type and extent of vegetation, and the location and species identification of any trees that measure greater than six inches diameter at breast height |
14 | Location and boundaries of proposed demolition, including all structures and pavement to be removed and all utilities to be capped or plugged |
15 | Location of any existing on-site disposal systems (septic tanks) and drain fields |